Hear Allégresse play live on Kansas Public Radio with soprano Sarah Tannehill.
Archive for the ‘In the media’ Category
Allégresse live on KPR
The trio Allégresse visited the KPR studio to play music by KU faculty composer Kip Haaheim, “Childhood’s End.”
Allégresse/Margaret Marco Faculty Recital preview
Allegrésse performs in the Live Performance Studio with a preview of two concerts this weekend: Friday, March 4, 2016 at Haskell Indian Nations University and Sunday, March 6, 2016 at Swarthout Recital Hall in Murphy Hall, the University of Kansas.
Allégresse mention on the Africlassical blog.
Our recording of William Grant Still’s piece, Miniatures, was mentioned on the Africlassical blog, a companion to AFRICLASSICAL.COM, a website on African heritage in classical music.
Allegresse: Three Premieres on KPR
Allégresse premieres three new works on Kansas Public Radio by composers Gabriela Frank, Kip Haaheim and Ingrid Stölzel.
Allégresse featured in Lawrence Magazine
Read the story, titled Threefold Talent, by Julie Tollefson in the Winter 2008 issue of Lawrence Magazine. (PDF)